What is a Lottery?
A lottery is an arrangement in which a prize or series of prizes are allocated by a process that depends entirely on chance. A financial lottery is a contest, usually run by state or federal governments, in which participants purchase tickets for a chance to win a large sum of money (typically millions of dollars) based on a random drawing of applications.
In addition to generating revenue for state governments, lotteries generate income for players, ticket vendors, convenience store operators, suppliers of prizes, teachers (in states where lottery revenues are earmarked for education), and political parties. Despite these economic benefits, critics often attack lotteries for their alleged social problems: compulsive gamblers, regressive effects on lower-income communities, and other issues of public policy.
A common misconception about lotteries is that the winnings are based on luck. But, as the chart below shows, a winner is actually selected based on a complex set of probabilities. Harvard statistics professor Mark Glickman recommends buying Quick Picks rather than choosing numbers such as children’s birthdays or ages because the chances are about the same of any number getting picked. A plot of the results of a lottery that has been conducted several times will have a range of colors because it is highly unlikely that any single row or column would have the same color every time. The fact that the colors in this plot are fairly close to one another is evidence that the results of a lottery are fair.